Can Sparkling Water Glass Bottles Make a Difference to Your Hydration Routine?
There has been an incredible shift in the beverage industry over the last few years as consumers move away from soda and make healthier choices for sparkling water in glass bottles. Many still crave carbonation but don't wish to consume the calories, sugar, or the artificial sweeteners that typically accompany carbonated beverages.
Sparkling water can be an excellent substitute for beverages you may want to consume less. For instance, it could replace your evening glass of wine during the week if you're going to cut back on alcohol. Or it can replace high-sugar sodas if you're trying to lose weight. Whatever the case, it's a healthier alternative to other beverages you may want to eliminate from your diet.
Why Sparkling Water Glass Bottles?
Mineral water from a glass water bottle tastes better, but that's certainly not the only reason that we favour glass bottles for their natural mineral water. Glass is naturally non-porous, meaning it will not leach inorganic chemicals into our pure natural mineral water. Glass bottles will also not alter the flavour. Plastic bottles, however, contain specific substances known as BPA chemicals that can leech into liquids when bottles sit for extended periods.
Glass is made from the natural and abundant raw materials like sand, soda ash as well as limestone that are infinitely recyclable. These materials are melted at very high temperatures to form a new material: glass. At high temperatures, glass is structurally similar to liquids; however, at ambient temperatures, it behaves as a solid. Glass is tamperproof, Impermeable, and can be recycled indefinitely without losing its strength and quality.
In the case of glass, there are four key elements – natural ingredients, inertness, impermeability and safety – and these elements all work in harmony to make your favourite mineral water taste great.
The Allure of Bubbly, Sparkling Mineral Water:
There's no denying the allure of sparkling water. The crisp effervescence, a dash of natural flavours, and a refreshing zing make it an enticing choice. In fact, its popularity has skyrocketed in recent years as consumers seek better and healthier alternatives to traditional sugary sodas. However, the packaging with these delightful bubbles often goes unnoticed, and its environmental implications are far from refreshing.
Is Sparkling Mineral Water Really Healthy?
Those millions of tiny, fizzy, nose-tickling bubbles raise many questions: Is sparkling water as hydrating as water? Is sparkling water as good for the body as water? Do those little bubbles make sparkling water different from still water? Is that difference good or bad?
The great news is that these questions have answers. The even better news is that the science behind sparkling water is abundant and clear: Sparkling water is as hydrating as water. Yes, sparkling water is good for you.
Sparkling water is carbonated, which means it's infused under pressure with carbon dioxide gas. Pressure is key for this to happen. Water can also be carbonated naturally. This occurs in springs located near volcanic activity, where volcanic gasses become trapped in the water and infuse it with natural carbonation, giving rise to natural sparkling mineral water.
It's a Matter of Taste:
Finding the best-tasting bottled water is often a matter of personal preference. Just like with a favourite bottle of wine or the best type of chocolate, you won't always agree with everyone else. You may even have multiple favourites in each category.
You may prefer spring, purified, or mineral water, each with a distinct flavour. The amount of total dissolved solids, another name for the total amount of all the minerals in the water, affects the flavour.
Bottled water with very low amounts of total dissolved solids has a crisp flavour and sharp edge. It may also be described as clean. Purified water is a type of water with a low number of total dissolved solids. If you prefer a little flavour, this is the way to go.
Higher amounts of total dissolved solids add more flavour to the water. Spring and mineral water tend to have this increased flavour due to the minerals they contain. High sulphates in mineral water also contribute to the distinct taste.
The Source of Water Matters the Most:
Everything from the water source to the processing can affect the final flavour. The source of the water often has a substantial impact on the flavour, especially if you prefer spring or mineral water. For example, the mineral makeup of the spring location might change the flavour. The prevalent minerals in the ground near the spring source leach into the water, leaving behind a distinct taste or feel of the water because spring and mineral waters don't filter out the minerals.
In Conclusion:
If you're still unsure or want to explore the options for each type, check out our selection of bottled waters. With an assortment of artesian water, spring water, mineral water, sparkling water, and more, GTG Living Water can keep you hydrated without the need to run to the store.