• Is Sparkling Mineral Water Good for You?

    Is Sparkling Mineral Water Good for You?
    Sparkling water has shot to the forefront of the health beverage industry over the last few years. It is marketed as a healthier alternative to soft drinks and a refreshing way to consume the recommended daily water intake. But with various options and claims, choosing the true health champion amidst the tempting sea of effervescence can be daunting. Minerals cannot be synthesised in the...
  • Dive Deep to Explore the Health Benefits of Mineral Water in Australia

    Dive Deep to Explore the Health Benefits of Mineral Water in Australia
    Mineral water comes from an underground source but must necessarily have a minimum of 250 parts per million of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). Minerals and trace elements must come only from the underground water source; they can’t be added during bottling. The TDS of both mineral and spring water can fluctuate because the minerals come from the rocks and earth where the water flows....
  • Should You Choose an Alkaline Drink Bottle to Quench Your Thirst?

    Should You Choose an Alkaline Drink Bottle to Quench Your Thirst?
    In the pursuit of wellness, many have embraced alkaline mineral ionized water, touting over 40 scientifically proven health advantages. With a pH level typically around 8.0, an alkaline drink bottle contains elevated alkaline minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Ionized water, charged electrically, offers hydration benefits. Nobel Prize-winning research unveiled alkaline water's superior hydrating capabilities due to aquaporins, tiny passages in cell walls....